Corporate Social Responsibility

Why is Corporate Social Responsibility Important to Kilimanjaro Consulting?

The Kilimanjaro name represents our tribal concept of being “farmers not hunters”.  Our aim is to support the growth of our own business by nurturing long-term relationships with every client.  Furthermore, our tribe embodies a unique approach of looking out for one another and recognising everyone is equally important. This culture is inspired by the African term “Ubuntu” essentially meaning: I exist because you exist. The entire team can truly agree that there is no friendlier or more collaborative place to work than Kilimanjaro Consulting.

Inspired by the positivity that surrounds our workplaces, we are encouraged to do more for people outside of our company. We understand the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Thus, we immerse ourselves in many different activities and hope to make a difference to the communities we operate in. We are proud to be a part of many great causes and will continue to help in different fields as we continue on our journey.

Who Kilimanjaro Supports

  • Organisations where we feel we can make a meaningful contribution
  • Charities that represent and defend the interests of their beneficiaries
  • Foundations that are efficient in their use of resources
  • Those which have a positive impact on the communities we interact with

With these guidelines in place, we have chosen to support the following organisations:

Cancer Council Australia & Cancer Society New Zealand

Supporting Research, Support Services, and Prevention Programs for those with Cancer.

Both the Cancer Council and Cancer Society are organisations that strive to impact the community by funding research and services to support those affected by cancer. 

This year, the Kilimanjaro Tribe supported these organisations by hosting the Biggest Morning Tea, an event created by the Cancer Council. We took this chance to connect with our teams in Australia and New Zealand to host the Great Kilimanjaro Bake-Off competition, where we showed off our cooking skills to win prizes while raising money and awareness for these charities.

Cancer Council Australia logo

Cure Brain Cancer Foundation

Combines international findings and lateral thinking to reach their goal.

Cure Brain Cancer Foundation is the largest organization for Brain Cancer research and awareness throughout Australia. They work with a strong patient focus to bring world-class clinical trials to Australia. Additionally, they work towards their inspiring mission to increase 5-year survival to 50% by 2023.

Brain Cancer Foundation

We relate to their approach as the foundation breaks through traditional concepts and finds smarter solutions to reach their goals by working collaboratively with each other and society.

Last year the Kilimanjaro Tribe supported the foundation by donating a gratuity from an MYOB market research session. Likewise, we took part in an event within our workplace to raise awareness for the Beanies for Brain Cancer initiative.

Autism Association of Western Australia

Supporting Early Intervention Programs for children with Autism.

Kilimanjaro Consulting has supported a team member of one of our clients in her decision to courageously climb Mt Kilimanjaro with the sole purpose of raising funds towards an Early Intervention Program for children with Autism. Not only was this one of our valued clients raising awareness of Autism,  but because of the true strength and courage required to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. 

Therefore, this cause was very close to our hearts. It is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest free-standing mountain in the world at 5,895m.

Autism Association

Our tribe wholesomely believe that being involved in Corporate Social Responsibility and encouraging awareness is a great way to impact society.

R U OK? Day

Tackling the stigma around suicide by encouraging general day-to-day human compassion.


Each September, Kilimanjaro Consulting takes part in The R U OK? Day initiative which aims to connect all Australians by creating suicide prevention awareness. Our tribal culture encourages a supportive and collaborative environment which inspired us to support this cause.

We take this chance to meaningfully reconnect and check in with our teams across both Australia and New Zealand. In these trying times, it’s so important to start the conversation, stay connected and ask the questions that have the potential to save a life.

We take part in the initiative in several ways, by organising events (either virtually or face-to-face) to provide opportunities for the tribe members to check in with one another, or providing our team leaders with RUOK Day Guides so that they are compassionate and understanding in their everyday duties.

It is our shared goal to reduce the stigma around mental health and the fact that everybody’s equal. If you would like to learn more about the importance of R U OK? and how these simple words can help change a life, visit the RUOK website here.

Ronald McDonald House Charity

RMHC helps families in need, keeping them closer to their sick children. They provide a stable component for families in situations of despair.

As the MYOB Diamond Partner, we have the privilege of supporting one charity by providing software sponsored by MYOB. Added to this, we contribute by donating our services. We are very proud to have chosen Ronald McDonald House Charities as they do unbelievable work creating the best possible environment for these families, while their children spend days or even months in hospitals.

The cornerstone program of RMHC, the Ronald McDonald House®, provides a ‘home away from home’ for families of seriously ill children being treated at nearby hospitals. 

In 1981 the first Australian Ronald McDonald House opened in Sydney’s Camperdown. There are now 16 Ronald McDonald Houses in Australia and more than 360 houses worldwide.

Kilimanjaro Consulting volunteered to participate in the ‘Make a Meal’ program. Therefore, this gave us an opportunity to engage with families in a fun and supportive environment, where we cooked dinner to give them time to relax. Please visit their website to find out how you can help and check out photos and more information about the unforgettable day we experienced with our team.


Raising awareness and funds for Men’s health. Movember is a community of rockstars raising money, making a difference in men’s health & suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.


Each November, the tribe at Kilimanjaro gets involved in an important movement, Movember. On average, men are dying 6 years earlier than women, for largely preventable reasons. Movember aims to change the face of men’s health, by encouraging men to grow a mo’ and show support for all the fathers, partners, brothers, and friends who may be in the midst of a health crisis.

Movember also invites ladies to take part. Move for Movember encourages the walking or running of 60km over the month of November, for the 60 men we lose every hour to suicide across the world. Men and women at Kilimanjaro are committed to both of these initiatives, while collectively raising funds and awareness.

Each year, we have lots of fun sharing our progress. In order to see the great achievements we make, visit our team page here. Meanwhile, if you want to join in next time or find out other ways that you can help, visit the Movember page and change the stigma around men’s health today!

World Wildlife Fund

Fighting the degradation of the planet’s natural environment to build a future where humans and nature can live in harmony.

As the state of emergency spread across Australia in early 2020, our team came together to act in response to the catastrophic damage caused by the bushfires.  Our tribe decided to support the efforts of the WWF in restoring the habitats of our native animal and plant species, as well as preventing the exacerbation of the extinction crisis.

We held a morning tea to raise funds for the WWF, and collected food and resources to be taken to communities in need on the South Coast of Australia.

Group WWF

We strongly believe in being a part of the communities that we interact with. Our Sherpa’s hold these values dear to their hearts. Learn more about the current situation in Australia, or contribute further to this well-deserving organisation by clicking here. All things considered, our people are our greatest assets. If we all come together, we can restore what we have lost.

The Heart Foundation

Helping raise vital funds for lifesaving heart disease research.

Heart Foundation

The Heart Foundation supports over 580,000 Australians living with heart disease today, as well as working tirelessly to prevent and manage heart disease for future generations. Wanting to see an Australia free of heart disease, the foundation funds high-impact research an researchers, builds community awareness about living a heart-healthy life, and supports health professionals in their work to prevent, diagnose, treat and manage heart disease.

Throughout October 2020, a team at Kilimanjaro Consulting got together to participate in the Heart Foundation’s My Marathon Challenge, whereby they ran, jogged or walked 42.2kms (or more) while raising funds to support lifesaving heart disease research.

The team chose the pace that suited them, reaching goal after goal in both distance and fundraising targets. This culture of supporting social causes, communities and other individuals is something that we are incredibly proud of at Kilimanjaro, so a huge congratulations to the team for participating in this challenge to better the lives of people living with and being affected by heart conditions.

The Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust

Benefitting the community at large through their pioneering work in saving lives.

Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year for now over 50 years, the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT) supports the helicopter service in its pioneering work to save lives. Founded in late 1970 to begin the world’s first civilian surf rescue helicopter service, the Trust now aims to continue developing highly efficient aeromedical services for the benefit of the community at large.

The number of missions the ARHC team complete every year continues to grow and community contributions are what keep their rescue crews and choppers going. Therefore, being an ANZ company, we thought it necessary to show our support and admiration by playing a part in their corporate supporter initiative.

You can show your support by visiting the ARHT website here and making a donation as without the community’s ongoing support, this organisation wouldn’t be able to continue its incredible and life-saving work.

Corporate Supporter

We will continue to embrace these attitudes and proudly uphold our own commitment to maintaining a Social Responsibility Culture.  Follow us on our social media channels to keep in the know.

If you have any enquiries please call us on 1300 857 464 (AU) or 0800 436 774 (NZ) or email us at

MYOB Diamond Partner
myob community award winner
MYOB ANZ Partner of the Year 2023 Badge
MYOB Consultant of the Year 2023 Badge
Velixo Award 2024
Velixo Award 2023
Prospend 2023 partner of the year
Consultant of the Year Award
Velixo Award 2019
Business awards logo
Excellence in Business Development 2015 AU
MYOB EXO Award 2015
Telstra Awards 2012