MYOB Exo Business Implementation
We use our tried and tested methodology to help guide you through implementation. We’re your technology sherpas.Kilimanjaro Consulting has developed a unique implementing methodology that ensures you will not go live until you are satisfied that your new system is working as you need it to. The journey begins with us developing an understanding of exactly what you are doing now, and then exploring what you want to do differently in the future. The speed of implementation is entirely in your hands.
How much does an MYOB Exo implementation cost?
Asking how much an ERP system costs is much like asking: “How long is a piece of string?” In saying that, although estimation can be difficult, there are factors that will have an impact on the price. A high skill level is required to implement fully customisable and integrated software such as MYOB Exo. This is why the cost is inevitably higher than a simple accounting system. The more skilled the implementers, the greater the cost and the better the outcome.
Our Philosophy: Involve, Support and Understand
From the very start of the implementation process, you will know that Kilimanjaro Consulting does things differently to other implementers.
Eliminate Uncertainty
Firstly, we believe in “No prescription without consultation”. We make sure we understand your problems and requirements before prescribing the solution. This eliminates uncertainty — we know what you want and you know what we are delivering.
Support & Coach
Our philosophy is that you need to become self-sufficient on your new system. We, therefore, support and coach you rather than doing all the work for you. Depending on your level of skills in your organisation, you may be able to do large portions of the pre-implementation work yourselves.
You can manage your budget by deciding how much you do, and how much we do. Certain elements of work, such as integrating your website, is naturally work that we would do. We believe that the more you participate in the design and implementation of the system, the better equipped you will be to become self-sufficient. All of our services are built around this principle.
Reduce Risk
We have developed a structured implementation methodology, aimed at overcoming the risks and obstacles to implementation. We focus on reducing 3 types of risk:
Software Risk – for example, will the software house be around in a few years time when I need them?
Implementer Risk – for example, how many sites has this implementer implemented, and do they have the skills in their team to deal with my complex issues?
Self-Inflicted Risk – for example, have I allocated sufficient time and budget to this project, and are my expectations realistic?

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Download nowMYOB Exo Tips and Tricks
Having the right help, tools, and knowledge can make the difference between a good and bad day. Our team of experts have combined their expertise to provide you with some MYOB Exo tips and tips to improve your business processes and utilise the full potential of your MYOB Software.
At Kilimanjaro, we aim to understand your current processes, your limitations and frustrations and vision, and then configure MYOB Exo to as closely as possible to your ideal future state.
To start a conversation about how MYOB Exo can improve efficiency in your organisation, email, or call 1300 857 464 (AU) or 0800 436 774 (NZ).