Mitchell Water

MYOB Advanced Construction (Acumatica) meets all of Mitchell Waters needs, with room to scale.

MYOB Advanced Construction (Acumatica) provided Mitchel Water with a powerful ERP system that can be customised to meet needs of growing business.

Who is Mitchell Water?

Mitchell Water Australia is a privately owned and operated, dedicated water and energy infrastructure construction company. Mitchell has grown to be Australia’s leading specialist pipeline contractor, with a proven capacity to perform innovative design and construct solutions. Through sustained growth and development, their capability now extends into the energy and petroleum sectors, including design, construct, operations, and maintenance.

What catalysed the switch to MYOB Advanced Construction?

With most of its work project-based, Mitchell Water’s growth has always come in ebbs and flows as it wins new projects. For that reason, the company was using MYOB AccountRight. It served its purpose when they were only building one-off contracts, but it had limited functionality. After securing a 5-year, high value contract, Mitchell Water discovered that they would be required to meet stringent reporting and process tracking requirements. Recognising the limitations of their old system, they needed a customisable platform with powerful functionality and scalability to meet these new requirements. MYOB Advanced Construction (Acumatica) was that platform.

What changes followed this decision to implement MYOB Advanced Construction?

MYOB Advanced Construction (Acumatica) provided Mitchell Water’s team with the functionality they needed, along with added benefits and competitive pricing. MYOB Advanced Construction (Acumatica) had an intuitive user interface which made the transition easy. By working closely with their implementation partner, they were able to get the system up and running quickly. Previously, their finance team’s purchasing workflow involved a lot of double handling of data. MYOB Advanced Construction (Acumatica) improved this with streamlined approval capabilities. Having one platform to manage all of their requirements meant the team could integrate purchasing with project costings and implement an approvals map that doesn’t require manual duplication. The system’s inventory management capabilities were a welcomed necessity, its simple easy to use design meets all their requirements and more.

How is Mitchell Water now?

Using MYOB Advanced, Mitchell Water now has the reporting and financial capabilities to meet its contractual requirements in a single integrated platform. MYOB Advanced Construction’s (Acumatica) detailed project reporting allows the business to quickly pull detailed work-breakdown structures and generate reports. The software processes key information in seconds, making it easy for Mitchell Waters to comply with the tight contractual requirements. The new major contract is well underway and has the potential to double in size over the next two years. The team at Mitchell Water can continue to peruse this growth with the confidence that the software can grow with them. With MYOB Advanced Construction (Acumatica) working so well, they are now moving their sights to implementing MYOB Advanced Payroll.

How do I achieve a successful MYOB Advanced implementation?

A successful MYOB Advanced implementation depends on managing 3 critical risks:

  1. Software Risk
  2. Implementer risk
  3. Self-Inflicted Risk

You can reduce your risk by selecting the right implementation partner. Although there are many different partners to choose from, you need the one that will work with you every step of the way. Managing risk is an important part of an implementation; selecting a low-risk partner is critical to a lifetime of success with your Business Management system.

Kilimanjaro Consulting ticks all the boxes when it comes to choosing the right partner:

Kilimanjaro Consulting is the largest and most experienced implementer of MYOB’s Enterprise-level business management, accounting, payroll, and workforce management solutions: MYOB Advanced and MYOB Exo. We are experienced, low-risk implementers, helping organisations improve efficiency in their businesses through the use of clever, innovative, and proven technology.

Free resources to help you further

If you are ready to start your Business Management System journey, choose Kilimanjaro Consulting as your trusted implementation partner. If you don’t know where to start, download our free E-Book that will take you through everything you need to consider and what to be wary of during this process.

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Kilimanjaro Consulting is the largest implementer of MYOB’s Business Management Software across Australia and New Zealand. We take the time to understand your business and only recommend the products that can meet your needs. To start a conversation about how MYOB Exo can improve efficiency in your organisation, email, or call 1300 857 464 (AU) or 0800 436 774 (NZ).

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