MYOB Acumatica Wholesale and Distribution – cloud support for your operational efficiency

Keep track of your wholesale and distribution operations with real-time cloud data.

MYOB Acumatica Business (Acumatica) is specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by Wholesale Distribution businesses. Tailored features help you get ahead in an ultra-competitive industry and improve way you manage your organisation. MYOB Acumatica Business delivers complete end-to-end management of your distribution business by automating and optimising key processes and giving a birds-eye view of operations.

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What is MYOB Acumatica?

MYOB Acumatica is a cloud-based Business Management Platform localised by MYOB and powered by Acumatica – the world’s fastest-growing ERP system. It provides organisations with a comprehensive set of tools for financial management, supply chain management, project management, and more. The software is designed to streamline business processes, automate tasks and other business events, and provide real-time insights into key performance indicators (KPIs). It is suitable for large, complex organisations and can be customised to suit your specific requirements.

MYOB Acumatica has the functionality you need to effectively manage inventory, wholesale, and distribution operations across multiple warehouses. It will handle complex supply chains with real-time access to inventory levels, allocations, and holding costs. It will improve distribution processes using detailed sales, purchase orders, price histories, serial, and batch tracking information.

Whether it is reduced manual work, tighter inventory control and visibility, or reporting improvements, MYOB Acumatica will improve efficiency in your organisation.  Its integrated, modular design means that MYOB Acumatica can become one advanced platform to manage your entire organisation.

Key Benefits of MYOB Acumatica for Wholesale and Distribution

MYOB Acumatica offers numerous benefits for Wholesale Distribution companies:

Simplify financials and payroll

With all your operational and payroll data in one place, you can simplify your financial processes. Consolidate and reconcile all available data across multiple projects, budgets, and jobs. Integrating a payroll solution into your business management platform keeps your General Ledger up to date with staff costs – no more double data entry across disconnected systems.

Enhanced operational efficiency with time-saving automation

MYOB Acumatica automates key processes, such as inventory management, order processing, and financials. This eliminates manual errors, reduces time-consuming tasks, and enables your team to focus on higher-value activities.

Manage inventory efficiently

MYOB Acumatica provides end-to-end visibility across your supply chain. Track inventory levels, manage multiple warehouses, and optimise logistics with smarter technology. Improved visibility helps you make informed decisions, minimise stockouts, and streamline your order fulfilment process.

Improved customer service levels

MYOB Acumatica includes robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionalities to help you effectively manage customer relationships. Track customer interactions, segment your customer base, and gain insights into customer preferences. Deliver personalised experiences, improve customer satisfaction, and drive repeat business.

Maintain financial transparency

The reporting and analytics capabilities of MYOB Acumatica give actionable insights into your wholesale distribution operations. Customisable dashboards and key performance indicators (KPIs) allow you to monitor sales, inventory levels, financials, and other critical metrics from a single source of truth. These insights empower you to make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and respond quickly to market changes.

Top MYOB Acumatica features for Wholesale and Distribution

In addition to the powerful financial features of MYOB Acumatica, the system can support your wholesale and distribution operations.

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Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is crucial for Wholesale Distribution businesses. MYOB Acumatica offers advanced features to help you optimise your inventory. Real-time tracking, automated replenishment, and demand forecasting are all part of the advanced inventory suite for Wholesale and Distribution organisations. Track stock levels across multiple warehouses, set reorder points and automatically generate purchase orders based on predefined rules. Ensure that you have the right inventory at the right time, reducing stockouts and excess inventory costs.

Order Management

MYOB Acumatica Business simplifies and streamlines your order management process. Efficiently process orders, manage backorders, and track order fulfilment progress with real-time data flowing across your organisation. Integration with e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce enables seamless online order processing. This creates a seamless customer experience. MYOB Acumatica also supports complex pricing structures, allowing you to manage customer-specific pricing, volume discounts, and promotions automatically.

Purchasing and Vendor Management

MYOB Acumatica streamlines your purchasing process and effectively manages vendor relationships. The software can track purchase requisitions, automate purchase order creation, and manage approvals with automatic notifications along the approval map. You can also consolidate purchasing across multiple warehouses to negotiate better terms with your vendors. The system provides visibility into vendor performance, allowing you to evaluate their reliability and make informed procurement decisions.

Who can benefit from MYOB Acumatica?

MYOB Acumatica Business is specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by Wholesale Distribution businesses. MYOB Acumatica can make a significant impact and improve efficiency in your processes.

  • Multi-Warehouse Management: Wholesale distributors often operate multiple warehouses to fulfil orders efficiently. MYOB Acumatica Business enables you to manage inventory across multiple locations, track stock levels in real-time, and streamline transfers between warehouses. This ensures optimal inventory distribution, reduces shipping costs, and minimises stockouts.
  • Complex Pricing Structures: Wholesale distributors often deal with complex pricing arrangements, including customer-specific pricing, volume discounts, and promotional offers. Use MYOBAcumatica to easily configure and manage these pricing structures. Set up price lists, apply discounts based on customer types or order quantities, and automate price calculations for accurate invoicing.
  • Optimised Supply Chain Operations: Efficient supply chain management is critical for Wholesale Distribution organisations. MYOB Acumatica streamlines procurement, tracks vendor performance, and optimises order fulfilment. Use automation for purchase order creation, delivery status tracking, and managing vendor relationships. Additionally, you can integrate with shipping carriers to generate labels, track shipments, and provide real-time visibility to customers without manually duplicating transaction data across systems.
  • Demand Forecasting and Planning: MYOB Acumatica Business provides robust demand forecasting capabilities to help you take control of your stock and reduce carrying costs. By analysing historical sales data, market trends, and seasonality, the system can generate accurate demand forecasts. This empowers you to make informed procurement decisions, avoid stockouts, and reduce excess inventory.

Our MYOB Services

Kilimanjaro Consulting has the largest and most experienced team of MYOB Acumatica consultants across Australia and New Zealand. We are here to guide you through your climb up the technology mountain towards improved efficiency. The skill and dedicated of our team, combined with our risk-free methodologies, will safely guide you and your organisation to the Summit – we are your technology Sherpas.

Contact us for an in-depth discussion of your requirements and how MYOB Acumatica can improve your efficiency.

Keys to a successful MYOB Acumatica implementation

Choosing the right implementation partner is as important as choosing the right software. The partner’s role is critical to the long-term success of the software in your organisation. It is important to get your MYOB implementation right the first time.

Kilimanjaro Consulting has developed a structured, low-risk methodology for MYOB Acumatica implementations. The process combines your understanding of your business with our understanding of the software to ensure that your investment gives you the anticipated and best outcome. Following a structured implementation methodology ensures we get everything right for your organisation the first time. Our methodology is the culmination of years of experience. It is refined with lessons learned from previous implementations and the evolution of our processes.

  • Risk Benefit-Assessment: Understand and mitigate the software, implementer, and non-implementer risks.
  • System Design: Our expert team gets an in-depth understanding of your organisation and plans out the entire build. You must sign off before we continue. This ensures that all your needs are met, and every workflow and process is accounted for.
  • System Construction: Our product expertise and technical skills to configure the system to meet your requirements.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Training: A fully functional sandbox is used for training and testing without impacting the final system. Once your wider team is comfortable with each function, you can begin in-depth testing to ensure the system meets your every need and works properly.
  • Go-Live: Final data migration and go-live. Any issues that were flagged in UAT have been resolved.
  • Post-Go-Live Support: Implementing MYOB Acumatica is a lifetime partnership. Our team will guide you through your first month and then step back to let you operate as normal. We will always be available to support you and your changing requirements in the future.

MYOB Acumatica Integration and Customisation

Customising and adding integrations into MYOB Acumatica can extend and enhance its overall capability. Every company is different, facing their own set of challenges and requirements. MYOB Acumatica can be customised to suit your specific needs. The Kilimanjaro Consulting team are experts in MYOB Acumatica integration and customisation.

Real-time sales visibility for The Jojoba Company

The Jojoba Company grows, formulates, and packages safe, sustainable, ethical, and effective natural skin care products that naturally deliver transformative results. Jojoba manages every step of the process, from the farm to the warehouse to the store, while ensuring each bottle is of the highest quality.

During the pivot from brick-and-mortar stores to a global eCommerce presence, the Jojoba Company started to feel limited by their old business management software. In the old system, departments were unable to access the holistic, connected view of the business that they required. The Jojoba Company needed a centralised business management software to help them achieve their global ambitions.

Following the advice of their trusted business partner, Kilimanjaro Consulting, they selected and implemented MYOB Acumatica Business. Our skilled team was able to truly understands their business and customise the platform to suit their needs.

Watch the video case study to discover how the MYOB Acumatica implementation gave them visibility and control of the entire organisation.

Why should you choose MYOB Acumatica for Wholesale and Distribution?

Choose MYOB Acumatica if you need:

  • A modern technology solution built to handle your complex wholesale and distribution needs,
  • A cloud ERP software solution to improve efficiency in your organisation,
  • A flexible and configurable system to support you now and in the future,
  • A fully connected system so to leverage real-time data and make better decisions,
  • To save time and reduce errors by automating manual processes within your business.

You should consult an expert consultancy and take their advice on whether MYOB Acumatica will be a good fit for your organisation. The right consultancy will consider your current and future state to determine the impact that an MYOB Acumatica implementation will have. To get a head start on this process, consider the pain points you are feeling in your current processes:

  • Are you spending too much time generating reports?
  • Do you lack visibility over important areas of your business?
  • Are you limited by poor system accessibility and on-premise servers?
  • Is your team getting too large to manage efficiently? Do you need a smarter, integrated payroll and workforce management solution?
  • Do you work across a complicated ecosystem of disconnected software solutions to manage your business?
  • Has your business grown to multiple locations?
  • Do you require multi-currency or consolidation of entities?

These can be the signs that you are ready for a sophisticated cloud-based business management platform like MYOB Acumatica.

The true value of modern cloud ERP solutions

Embracing technology has become a crucial differentiator that empowers progressive organisations to drive innovation, deliver superior customer experiences, and improve efficiency. As the wholesale distribution industry evolves, it is imperative for organisations to adapt and harness the power of technology.

By leveraging advanced solutions like MYOB Acumatica, wholesale distribution companies across Australia and New Zealand can transform their operations, streamline processes, and gain a competitive edge. Embracing technology not only enhances productivity and cost-effectiveness but also enables greater collaboration, improved supply chain management, and real-time decision-making.

By embracing the digital transformation journey, you can take your place as industry leaders, delivering exceptional outcomes for your clients and team. In this fast-paced environment, those who embrace technology and leverage its capabilities will stand out from the competition, seize new opportunities, and thrive in the ever-evolving market landscape.

What type of organisations do not suit MYOB Acumatica?

MYOB Acumatica is a complex, sophisticated business management platform. It requires in-depth solution design and configuration to meet your requirements and to add the most value to your organisation. It is not “One Size Fits all”.

To get the full benefits of MYOB Acumatica, you will need to partner with an experienced implementation partner. An MYOB Acumatica implementation project is a significant, detailed project, requiring months of in-depth design and configuration. It is not well suited to organisations looking for “out of the box” functionality or a low-cost entry point when upgrading from Accounting Software to ERP software.

An MYOB Acumatica implementation for a mid-sized company may cost between $50k and $100k depending on the individual requirements. More complex organisations could fit outside this range. Ongoing licence fees are per user, and usually range between $2k to $5k per month.

MYOB Acumatica is best suited to larger, more complex organisations with custom workflows and complex processes.

An integrated cloud-based Payroll and Workforce Management solution

MYOB Acumatica Payroll (People) is a module of the MYOB Acumatica Platform. It is a modern, cloud-based payroll and HR solution that can be fully integrated into MYOB Acumatica Business or can operate stand-alone. Process your payroll and other administrative tasks remotely, update tax rates and information in real-time, and let your employees manage their own information and leave applications with the Employee Self-Service module. MYOB Acumatica Payroll is Single Touch Payroll (STP) compliant and brings enhanced flexibility to your pay cycles, allowing customisable pay groups and pay frequencies.

New onboarding functionality for MYOB Acumatica Payroll

MYOB Acumatica Employee Onboarding is a new, dedicated onboarding solution in the MYOB Acumatica Payroll suite. Take advantage of the strong first impression created by a digital-first onboarding experience and the efficiency improvements by collecting this information in MYOB Acumatica Payroll. Reduce the administrative workload on your payroll administration team, who would typically chase paper forms and manually enter details. MYOB Acumatica (Acumatica) Employee Onboarding prevents employers from defaulting new starters into the employer super fund. It is mandatory for new employees to choose a new fund or select their existing fund.

Payroll and HR software is becoming increasingly important for modern businesses. To remain up-to-date, secure and compliant, you should consider upgrading your payroll software. Maintaining appropriate compliance and governance is paramount, and payroll is one area of your business at risk of non-compliance or fraud. 

The MYOB Acumatica Workforce Management module is an extension of MYOB Acumatica Payroll. It is directly integrated into your payroll and ERP system. This makes the MYOB Acumatica platform the first and only system available to midmarket ANZ organisations that lets you manage your entire organisation from one place.

MYOB Acumatica Wholesale Distribution Training

Training is essential to get the most out of MYOB Acumatica. Our expert implementation team will provide face-to-face training during the implementation process. This is to help you become self-sufficient on your system when you go live.

However, we can also provide ad-hoc training to suit your specific requirements, whether you have new staff that require system training or a refresher on what was covered during implementation. This customised training gives you flexibility on time and areas that you wish to cover.

For more information or to sign up for your training experience, visit the Kilimanjaro Consulting Training Portal or email

MYOB Acumatica Wholesale Distribution Support

Our goal in providing MYOB Acumatica and Exo support services is to ensure your continued success using the MYOB Enterprise suite of products. We want to be able to get you back to working in your system as quickly and efficiently as possible. For any MYOB Support case, we follow a structured methodology to minimise risk and solve your problem quickly. Our MYOB Acumatica Support team has developed an extensive knowledge base grounded in their real experiences in finding a solution for our clients. Knowing more about your issue gives the team the ability to provide multiple resolutions. No matter if the query is small or large, our team will always endeavour to provide a satisfactory solution.

Recognising that clients have unique needs and priorities, Kilimanjaro Consulting offers a range of support options to clients. These options enable our support Sherpas to deliver support tailored to your preferred engagement model efficiently and cost-effectively. All MYOB Acumatica Wholesale Distribution clients can log and track support tickets through the dedicated MYOB Acumatica Support Portal.

Version History

Each new version of MYOB Acumatica adds new features and functions to the already powerful system. Minor upgrades for MYOB Acumatica happen automatically; however, major upgrades involve a sandbox testing environment so that you can become familiar with all the new features before they impact your live system. There are two major updates to MYOB Acumatica per year. Your trusted implementation partner will guide you through this process.

Acumatica – the engine behind MYOB Acumatica

Acumatica is a leading cloud-based innovator in the ERP space. With customers worldwide, it has become the fastest-growing provider of cloud-based Business Management Software to mid-sized organisations worldwide. It boasts adaptable mobile technology to enable a complete, real-time view of businesses anywhere and anytime.
In August 2013, MYOB sealed a multi-million-dollar deal with Acumatica. As part of the deal, MYOB received exclusive rights to market Acumatica under a new name within the Australian and New Zealand markets. The cloud-based Business Management system is now known as MYOB Acumatica Business

MYOB Acumatica Tips & Tricks

Having the right help, tools and knowledge can make the difference between a good and bad day. We hope that this bank of MYOB Acumatica Tips and Tricks provides that helping hand to guide you and your business through minimising errors, saving time, and improving business efficiency.

MYOB Acumatica FAQ

MYOB Acumatica is a detailed and complex piece of software built for complex Businesses. For more information, a good place to start is our MYOB Acumatica Frequently Asked Questions. This section also covers Cloud Accounting and other Software packages.

Take advantage of our experience to help your organisation

Contact us to organise a free, no-obligation assessment of your organisation and whether MYOB Acumatica is right for you.

To start a conversation about how MYOB Acumatica can improve efficiency in your organisation, email or call 1300 857 464 (AU) or 0800 436 774 (NZ).

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